Our Mode of Care

Our model of care is based on prevention, early intervention and Rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses that stem from our workplaces, the home and activities of daily living.

Highly Skilled Staff

Staff who have the appropiate academia, experience , actively professional and personable

About Us

Nerves and Bones Rehabilitation center is a specialized rehabilitation organization that provides preventive and curative services, i.e.:

  • Pain management (back/neck pains, shoulder pains, hip/knee pains etc.)
  • Restoration of function (people recovering from a stroke, accidents and sports injuries)
  • Disease prevention (through risk assessments, training, workplace design and other occupational health and safety advisory services).

The Rehabilitation center came into existence in 2015, following the increasing trends of illnesses that affect the nerves, bones, muscles, joints and ligaments (Musculoskeletal Disorders). Besides, most of these stems from our workplaces and ultimately contribute to lost work days, increased compensation claims, reduced productivity which all affect the business’s bottom-line. 

Our Services

We  target affected areas with the latest, most advanced therapies and healing the whole approach that is proven to get results

Client's we have servedworked with

Insuarance companies, Cooperate companies, Oil & gas, construction and mining, banks etc

What Our Clients Say

We pride ourselves on providing an exceptional service to our clients, but you don’t just have to take our word for it. Read what our clients have to say about working with us.

Nduta Selina Engineer

Great environment, well trained and professional staff and excellent customer service

William Kuteesa Engineer

The best doctors you can ever find, thanks for the treatment sessions and guidance to my road of recovery after a fatal car accident.

Mumbejja Patience Brand Manager

I thank the doctors from helping my dad recover from stroke.

Ndagire Lillian CEO

The best doctors you can ever find, thanks for the treatment sessions and guidance to my road of recovery after a fatal car accident.

Natukunda Lillian Engineer

I thank the doctors from helping me recover from stroke.

Simon Peter Business Man

The best doctors you can ever find, thanks for the treatment sessions and guidance to my road of recovery after a fatal car accident.

Nalunga Grace Business Woman

Am grateful to Nerves and bones team. The care and determination towards my road to recovery from back pain.

Moses Kibira Business Man

Thank you so much for your kindness and the way you have worked on me today! I left the place relieved. The new technology you have employed were also good. I am praying and believing God that I will be fine. Most pain is gone.

Our Recent Posts

Patient Feedback – Joan Mugenzi

So glad you are satisfied with our service#nerves #nervesandbones #bonesnervesandbonesrehab.com

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Patient Feedback – Moses Kibira

Thank you so much for your kindness and the way you have worked on me today! I left the place...

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Broken ankle after Surgery! We get you back on feet

Recovering from ankle surgery? At Nerves and Bones Rehabilitation Centre, we're dedicated to helping you get back on your feet...

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Neck Pain? Dont ignore it.

Don’t overlook the stiffness, headaches, numbness, or tingling in your neck – these symptoms could significantly impact your quality of...

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World Spine Day !!!

At Nerves and Bones Rehabilitation Centre, we stand tall for #WorldSpineDay! Your spine is your lifeline to movement and vitality. 💃🕺...

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Stroke Rehabilitation

Discover Hope and Healing After Stroke with Nerves and Bones Rehabilitation Center! Your Path to a Fulfilling Life Begins Today....

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Happy World Spine Day

Spine day @ nerves and bones

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