Is your baby taking long to reach milestone stages like sitting, standing or even speaking?

As mothers, we are always excited to see our babies reach milestone stages such as turning in bed, sitting, crawling, standing, walking or even speaking. The story gets different when our babies take long to reach these stages.

Mary was born in 2020, after eight months, she could not sit, turn or even stand by herself at the expected age. This devastated her mother so much.

When Mary turned four, she would drool all the time, had balance problems that caused her to fall constantly when standing, her movements weren’t coordinated and it was difficult for her to eat independently. Her language wasn’t understandable to people which was frustrating.

Mary was very intelligent but this wasn’t noticeable by her teachers because of her behavior. Strong sounds would easily scare her and her reactions were exaggerated. What Mary was experiencing are symptoms of delayed development that can be caused by;

  • Delayed labor
  • Severe malaria
  • Some drugs that mothers take during pregnancy.

These causes lead to brain injury which affects the brain development of a child. All this caused agony to Mary and her parents.

There’s still hope for Mary and her parents to help her move and behave like her fellow age mates.

Comprehensive rehabilitation would help Mary attain;

  • Muscle strengthening
  • Improved movement
  • Increased range of motion
  • Self-reliance

We have a team of professional experts who are ready to help children like Mary and her parents.

Do you know of a child experiencing delayed milestones like sitting, walking and speaking? Our team of experts is here to help them.

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