What is knee pain?

What is knee pain?

Knee pain can occur for many reasons, most commonly because of overuse, injuries or arthritis. You can experience knee pain at any age, but older people are more likely to develop it due to degeneration of the joint, a condition known as osteoarthritis.

Depending on what’s causing your pain, you may feel better with rest, anti-inflammatory medication and ice. If you have a more severe injury, you may need a procedure or a surgery.

Surgeons often use minimally invasive types of surgery (arthroscopic surgery) to repair damage to the knee like torn tendons or ligaments. These types of injuries can cause knee instability and pain. In cases when the damage is severe, your healthcare provider may recommend knee replacement surgery.

Knee anatomy

The knee is made of

  • Skin.
  • Muscles.
  • Bones.
  • Cartilage – protective lining and shock absorber for the bones.
  • Meniscus – a type of cartilage to cushion deep in the joint.
  • Tendons- fibers that connect muscles to bones.
  • Ligaments- tissues that attach bones to other bones.
  • Bursa- thin protective pads under the skin.

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